Sunday, August 30, 2015

I Really don't know why or even how to create a blog,but none the less here it is. My real intent in creating this blog is to create a Journal in order to document impressions and experiences of a spiritual nature that are important to me for the preceding week.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am an imperfect man, one that probably has more imperfections than most members of the Church , but none the less my membership and belief in this Church is extremely important to me. I became a member if this Church because it felt right and made me feel good. At an intellectual level it made sense to me. I am pretty sure that for most of my life I have known that there is a God and that it is important to stay close to him . I have also been a week and selfish man. I have spent most of my life believing that there is a God in Heaven but not fully trusting his promises.I have spent most of my life mostly wanting to do things my way.

In the Upland California Stake our stake leadership was reorganized and a General Authority of the Church visited our Stake, Robert C Gay. I had the opportunity to hear him speak 4 times and the opportunity to visit with him personally. It was an outstanding  and spiritual weekend. One that I never forget. As a matter of fact I wish for this weekend to be a hallmark  in my life. I was going to make a single entry in my journal about these experiences  but feel that doing so would minimize or trivialize the changes that have occurred within me as a result of this conference.

There are two key points that I extracted from the proceedings of this weekend which I desire to never forget:

FIRST :If I SANCTIFY myself the power of God can be manifest in my life in miraculous ways. SECOND: Do Things the Lords Way, and life's problems will get solved.

The overriding message has to be to do things The Lords least that way we know we are are entitled to His blessings.......