Sunday, September 6, 2015

Today was another peaceful Sabbath Day.This weekend is labor,now that I am working full time its great to have a three-day weekend!

Yesterday began and ended with activities that were at two ends of the spiritual spectrum. My beautiful Suzie and I went to the Temple yesterday for a 7 am Spanish session. The Spirit there was very sweet .The Spanish members are so warm and loving. I was able to do the temple session completely in Spanish for the first time , I want to do that more often ( Suzie and are even thinking of transferring our records the Spanish  Branch after 2016) . Then last night we went to a concert at the lake in Mission Viejo to see KC and the Sunshine Band. While the concert was really fun, the surroundings were interesting. As the evening went on and people were more inebriated , their comportment became baser and cruder. It really appreciated my church membership  and knowing that true happiness comes from living as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As I took the sacrament this morning  and renewed my covenant to " always remember him" and have his spirit to be with me I took pause to reconsider whether I should do that type of thing again.

I had my first High Council meeting with President Nielsen Today. And as luck would have it I was late to the meeting. I am usually not late, I felt really bad about that. President Nielsen is making big changes already. His primary message, which is a spiritual one, is to sanctify ourselves so that we (I) can truly become instruments in the Lords hands. His clarion call from Elder Gay is that we need to can make it a primary focus to grow the stake. We are reminded that this is the Lords work ,and he wants all his children to come unto him.  I need to continue the process of cleansing the inner vessel so that I can have HIS influence more fully in my life. I was also touched by spirit with ideas as to how through the young men,s program I can do my part to to reach out to young men that could be found and brought back to the fold.

Returning to the major take  a ways that I had from Stake Conference Let me examine how I did:

FIRST :If I SANCTIFY myself the power of God can be manifest in my life in miraculous ways.
I have been made aware that there are a few things that I am dong, listening to viewing  or looking at that I should not engage with . I pray that the Spirit will continue to point these out to me and that I will make the corrections. The spirit is even begging to make me aware of thoughts and feelings that can at time lead to poor choices.  

SECOND: Do Things the Lords Wayand life's problems will get solved.
 I need to be a 100 payer of offerings and tithes. 

I pray the Lords blessings continue upon me so that I can be numbered among his, 

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